Muznah Siddiqui
Global Governance Research and Planning Associate, United Nations University Center for Policy ResearchMuznah Siddiqui is a Global Governance Research and Planning Associate at the United Nations University Center for Policy Research, where she supports the Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB) project. Her expertise focuses specifically on technological and digital governance, and the global financial architecture.
Prior to joining UNU-CPR, Ms Siddiqui worked as a Research Consultant for the Global Governance, Justice and Security Program at the Stimson Center, where her research focused on the governance of digital technologies, peace, and climate change. She has also supported the Secretariat of the Climate Governance Commission.
Ms Siddiqui has held two consecutive internships at the Global Program on Detecting, Preventing and Countering the Financing of Terrorism at the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, where her research focused on counter-terrorism, anti-money laundering, cyber-security and countering COVID-19 disinformation.
Alongside her professional interests, Ms Siddiqui was awarded first place at the 2023 Geneva Centre for Security Policy Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security and is presently a Youth Peace Ambassador for the PyeongChang Peace Forum. She holds a Master in International Relations and Politics from the University of Cambridge.