Galip Dalay
Non-resident Senior Fellow, Middle East Council on Global Affairs
Galip Dalay is a nonresident senior fellow at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs, consulting fellow at Chatham House, and doctoral researcher at Oxford University. He was previously Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow at Istanbul Policy Center and at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) & Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at Robert Bosch Academy. Dalay’s research focuses on the question of regionalism, regional order and governance in the Middle East, Turkish politics and foreign policy, Middle Eastern politics, Turkish - Russian relations, history and politics of Turkish - Western/European relations, and history of post-colonial and post-imperial forms of internationalism. His work has appeared on Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Al Jazeera, Project Syndicate, CNN, the National Interest, Newsweek, Le Monde, Internationale Politik, DW Opinion, Open Democracy, Middle East Eye and The World Politics Review.