Dr. Andrew Parasiliti
President, Al-Monitor.com
Andrew Parasiliti is president and chief content officer of Al-Monitor, where he is author of the ‘Week in Review’ column and newsletter. Al-Monitor is a recipient of the International Press Institute’s Free Media Pioneer Award, the only American media outlet exclusively covering the Middle East to ever receive that honor. Andrew previously served as director of RAND’s Center for Global Risk and Security where he co-authored studies on Levant integration, state collapse in Syria, and the future of ISIS, and the ‘will to fight’ among global militaries, while overseeing projects dealing with the impact of technological change, including AI, on national security. Previous positions include executive director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies-US (Washington DC) and corresponding director, IISS-Middle East (Manama); principal at the BGR Group; foreign policy advisor to US Senator Chuck Hagel; director of the Middle East Initiative at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government; and director of programs at the Middle East Institute. He received a Ph.D. from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, where he wrote his dissertation on Iraq. He is an adjunct political scientist at RAND and a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Virginia Club of New York.