Afrah Al Zoubah
Managing Director, Executive Bureau for Acceleration of Aid Absorption and Support Policy ReformsMs. Afrah Al-Zouba, is the managing director of the Executive Bureau for the Acceleration of Aid absorption and Support for Policy Reforms, as the bureau supports the government's efforts in priority areas. Al-Zouba was appointed as an advisor in the area of humanitarian relief to the Prime Minister, in 2019.
She also served as Deputy Secretary-General of the National Dialogue Conference and the Constitution Drafting Committee (2013-2015).
Al-Zouba was among a delegation of Yemeni women leaders participating in the Kuwait negotiations in 2017, at the invitation of the Office of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen. She Participated in dialogues and seminars with other high-caliber Yemeni politicians and peacemakers to support UN efforts for peace building, and represented Yemen in many regional and international events.
She has worked for more than 20 years in development, research, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and has extensive experience working with local communities, identifying their needs and strengthening their resilience. Her development experience covers a wide range of issues such as poverty reduction interventions to health and education, etc.
She undertook supervisory roles for projects related to capacity building of youth and inclusion in political and social life. In addition to women’s empowerment programs.
Al-Zouba holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Science and Technology in Sana’a, a Master’s degree in Community Health from the National University of Malaysia and a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical sciences from Sana’a University.